Thursday, June 19, 2008

PICKLES... it's about time!

I do try to make this blog entertaining. I try to find things about working at a convenience store that might make people laugh. Sometimes I have to search and sometimes funny things are right there on the surface. I feel as though the subject of this entry was simply handed to me. I’m not sure there’s anything I need to do to this: the Southside Mini Mart now has individually wrapped pickles in a bucket on the counter next to the register.

Now, I will admit that I have been away from America for a while. Maybe it’s just me who thinks that a pickle in a bag of its own juice next to the beef jerky is strange. Perhaps it’s a common thing now- like Ipods or energy drinks. Still I thought it would be worth mentioning.

I’ve noticed two distinct reactions to the pickles: disgust or glee. People seem to react in extremes. No one says, “hmm… a pickle… whaddayaknow.” They usually say, “oh my God, that’s disgusting,” or “PICKLES… it’s about time!” I tend to side with the former. I’m not a pickle fan to begin with, and the thought of one in a bag in a bucket on the counter is a little revolting to me.

Even so, I hope for nothing but the best for the pickle-to-go. I would like to see it catch on (if it hasn’t already). Grabbing a pickle has got to be better than grabbing a big box of Nerds. Maybe this is the start of something big.

Just don’t let your kid squeeze the pickle bag. There’s a lot of juice in there.


Amanda said...

I haven't tried one yet, but I tend to think that a pickle in a bag probably tastes a little bit on the funkier side of things.

Stephen & Heather Castle said...

I like pickles and your blog